I recently completed my PhD in Agricultural & Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. In Fall 2024, I will be starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park - Department of Economics. My research focuses on urbanization, agricultural transformation, and social networks in East Africa.

I’ve been supported by an NSF GRFP grant and have recently been working with the DIME unit at the World Bank. Prior to coming to my PhD, I was a Research Manager at Stanford University and a Research Associate at IPA - Kenya.

Working Papers

  1. Housing and Human Capital: Condominiums in Ethiopia - with T. Getahun
    3ie Registry JMP
  2. Valuing the Time of the Self-Employed - with T. Baseler, S. Chassang, P. Dupas, E. Snowberg
    [AEA RCT Registry - 0004110] [NBER WP] Conditionally Accepted - Review of Economic Studies.
  3. New Technology and Network Change: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
    Draft available upon request.

Works in Progress

  1. Self-timed Credit Contracts: Evidence from Kenyan Farmers - with T. Baseler, S. Chassang, P. Dupas, E. Snowberg
    AEA RCT Registry - 0002949 Data collection complete.
  2. The role of information, accountability and resource gaps in explaining urban services quality in Ethiopia - with P. Dupas
    AEA RCT Registry - 0002114 Data collection complete.
  3. Land Market Frictions, Technology Adoption, and Farm Profits - with F. Kondylis, J. Loeser, J. Magruder
    AEA RCT Registry - 0004697 Data collection in progress.
  4. Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project - with F. Kondylis, J. Loeser, J. Magruder
    Data collection in progress.
  5. Wages, Labor Poaching, and Foreign Competition: Evidence from Ethiopia - with G. Abebe
    Pilot in progress.

Other Research

  1. African Urbanization and Development Research Initiative
    Addis Ababa First Round Report
  2. Impacts of Covid-19 on Education and Labor Market Outcomes in Ethiopia
    IGC Report